Our Solutions

Evolve advise CEO’s and Senior Management Teams in developing HR strategies and solutions and in navigating complex people challenges in both unionised and non-unionised organisations.  We support clients across multiple industries and utilising our expertise, we can provide a wide range of solutions to meet your ever-changing needs.

HR Strategy

Evolve assists organisations with the development and implementation of an effective HR strategy, which supports business growth and transformation. A robust HR Strategy is a key priority for organisations today and puts people to the forefront of future success. A grounded people strategy creates a greater connection to employees, aligning the importance of both personal and business success. We work alongside our clients to develop human capabilities and strategies for the attraction, development, motivation, retention, and management of talent. Our practical solutions ensure that you have the right people with the right skills and right experience to achieve your organisational goals. Developing an effective human resource strategy takes time and careful planning.

We support our clients to analyse their existing HR strategy and reviewing its purpose and effectiveness versus desired business outcomes. Developing an effective human resource strategy takes time and careful planning. Whether you want to increase your profit margin, grow, or transform your organisation, Evolve can support you on this journey.

Business Transformation & Change Management

Evolve has a strong track record in supporting our clients in delivering large scale business transformation and change management programmes. We assist our clients with the effective planning and delivery of large-scale transformation and change projects including, cultural change.   By reviewing and recommending changes to processes, people, or systems, we help our clients to deliver long term, sustainable change.

Our approach ensures a realignment and improvement to the operation of your business.  Developing a strong leadership team in your organisation is key to transformational change. Our process ensures that the leaders of the business are involved in developing the plan and leading the change from the outset.  We provide valuable project management support throughout the journey and will advise you on how best to engage with your staff on the change.

Organisational Design

We develop and implement effective organisation design components aligned with our client’s strategic growth plans.



An organisation’s design forms the bedrock of how it actually operates to achieve strategic growth plans and maintain competitiveness. Evolve takes into account your organisation’s strategy and the fundamental building blocks – people, process and technology- to determine the optimal design for your organisation.

Evolve can support your organisation with effective business re-structuring including mergers and acquisitions.  We have supported a number of clients in the implementation of new organisational structures and bring a wealth of experience in restructuring organisations and in navigating the people challenges associated with change. 

Many organisations are reimagining their workplace and workforce and are considering the future of work in their organisation. We can support you in considering what is right for your organisation and in understanding the implications of same.


Once the target organisation design is locked down, we partner with organisations to develop an implementation plan to ensure the successful implementation of the organisational design components. This also ensures that our clients have considered all interdependencies, people and business risks and have considered the right engagement strategy for their people. 

 Evolve can also provide project management support to ensure a successful, measured, and timely implementation is delivered.  We can also support in the recruitment and selection of executive roles in the future design.

Evolve will support you in a successful implementation and integration by:

  • Working collaboratively with your organisation.
  • Bringing energy and challenge to the process.
  • Supporting you to deliver on programme outcomes.

Leadership Development

“Without great leaders you can’t become a great company.”

Executive Coaching

 At Evolve we believe that Executive Coaching supports individuals to develop a Growth Mindset, encouraging a higher level of self-awareness and emotional intelligence.  Executive Coaching also helps to develop and build confidence in individuals to drive high performance.

Our Executive Coaching programmes are tailored to the needs of CEO’s Senior Executives, and Leadership teams, to optimise potential for both the organisation and the individual.  Our programmes can be delivered virtually or face to face and are tailored to the needs of our clients.  Executive Coaching is one of the most effective ways to develop exceptional leaders, particularly in today’s challenging business environment.  At Evolve we believe that a Coaching culture across an organisation is more effective when embraced by the leaders of the organisation.  Coaching helps organisations and teams to understand their ‘Culture, Vision & Purpose’ and fosters team alignment throughout a company and across organisations. ​

Evolve helps leaders to understand and overcome barriers to success, to identify opportunities to make a difference, and to think outside-of-the box in order to work towards a common goal. We help individuals to build confidence, courage, inspiration, and clarity. 

Evolve offers integrated coaching programmes which incorporate a range of psychometric tools such as the EQi, EQi-360 and DISC.  We enable our clients to better understand their Behaviours, Motivators, Emotional Intelligence, and their Values system.  This empowers leaders to lead from within, align to the organisations vision, goals and values and drive their teams to outperform.

Our qualified Coaches are experienced leaders themselves, having held senior leadership positions and experienced first-hand the personal and business benefits of coaching.

Team Coaching

Evolve help teams to better understand the value each individual brings to the team, to understand their purpose and achieve their shared goals.   By focusing on trust and collaboration, we help develop dynamic, diverse, and inclusive teams to drive out-performance and improve team alignment.​

‘We believe in aligning Teams to the vision & purpose of your Organisation.’

We believe in supporting Leaders to create an environment of trust and inclusion to encourage diverse thinking and team alignment.  By enabling Leaders to clearly define their purpose, vision, and values they can create cohesive teams with a common goal to drive outperformance.

Developing a strong leadership team in your organisation is key for transformational change. The process opens new possibilities and increases optimism by empowering and energizing leaders from the outset.

Team Facilitation

Evolve helps teams to achieve consensual solutions with agreed action plans fast. As facilitators we work with a group of people to help them have a conversation, come to agreement, and develop a plan for the future.

‘Facilitation is the act of making something easier.’

We design, develop, and manage the process the team works through, allowing the team to focus on contributing and achieving the outcomes. We make it easier for the group to have discussions and reach conclusions and action plans by getting them thinking, contributing, engaging, and challenging with each other.  We will ensure your team works productively and achieves clearly defined outcomes and learns from the process of working together as one.

Talent Management

Talent Assessment

Evolve supports organisations on understanding their talent and in the development of an effective succession plan for their organisation.  Taking time to understand the capability and potential of the talent in your organisation is critical for future success.  Evolve can help your organisation to define and interrogate your talent pool and to identify the high potential population within your organisation by using practical talent management tools.

Performance Management

Evolve works with organisations to define the optimum performance management framework for your organisation.  We coach leadership teams on how to develop a high-performance team and on executing an annual performance review process.  We can support your organisation in designing a performance review process and in upskilling your line managers on how to have effective performance conversations with their staff.

Executive Recruitment & Selection

Evolve supports organisations in the recruitment and selection of senior executives.  We support our clients in understanding what they need and to consider both internal and external options.  We can support you in designing a selection process and can support CEOs in the interview process.  We work with carefully selected search partners who can support in conducting confidential search assignments.


Employee Engagement

Evolve helps organisations in developing effective employee engagement strategies.  We draw on our extensive experience to advise CEO’s and management teams on how to engage and communicate with staff in a meaningful way. 

Evolve can support you in the design and execution of an engagement survey and to understand how best to drive engagement in your organisation.  We support you in understanding best practice drivers of engagement and in engaging your staff in the development of solutions.

Evolve can advise you on how best to communicate with your staff and in developing an effective internal communications strategy to ensure your staff feel connected, understand the strategy of your organisation and the role they play in the delivery of this strategy.

Employee Relations

Evolve support leadership teams on major employee relations issues that impact on people and organisation strategy. Drawing on our extensive experience, we advise and mentor senior leaders on any sensitive people or employee issues that have a strategic dimension. 

Evolve can support the effective planning and delivery of large-scale change projects including, cultural change, re-structuring, rationalisation, mergers, and acquisitions. We can deal with the ER issues arising and support the implementation of new organisation structures and HR processes. 

We advise organisations on the optimum resolution of individual and collective workplace problems and disputes. We possess high level negotiating skills, an understanding of the Irish third-party system and the adoption of alternative resolution mechanisms.